
Showing posts from January, 2023

Commissioning Art - the Process

All the great art that you see in the world's museums began as an idea in someone's mind. Some of the great art you see was part of a collaborative vision comprising the artist and individualistic, enterprising patrons. Art can invest a room with a sense of meaning. It can help unify the room visually while offering an intellectual and emotional sense of meaning that transcends decoration. And you can commission a work of art using a seamless process of invention, deliberation and adventure. In so doing, you can collaborate in the creation of something really special. [Matisse paintings in the Cone Collection] A commission begins with an idea -- or with an emotion. You have a sense of "wouldn't it be nice if" and you build from that desire. I can help you take each step in a process that brings to life an idea that contributes a unique element to your project. It can begin with a single color. That color can be the keynote in a room, and perhaps you want art that